We Want To Sell You On Big Thinking.

Not Hidden Fees and Percentages.

Fee transparency let’s us find success with any level of assets.

The average financial planner charges you a percentage of the total holdings in your portfolio, this is called an asset under management (A.U.M.) pricing model. Some planners charge a commission on every purchase or transaction.

At Ellevation Wealth Management and Legacy Planning, we believe in simplicity and transparency.  Our flat fee model ensures that you have flexibility to make adjustments to your financial plan as often as necessary without being surprised by transaction fees. Whether you are managing a large portfolio or just getting started, everything is up-front and on-the-table so you know exactly what you are paying for.

Our clients benefit from a broad range of services including:

  • Financial Planning
  • Wealth Management
  • Legacy Planning
  • Generational Wealth Transfer
  • Retirement Planning
  • Investment Management
  • Tax Planning
  • Insurance Planning
  • Business Support

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